Gardener's pharmacy - choice
Gardener pharmacy
Prof Pack
White Mustard "Merkantil"
White mustard (Sinapis alba) is an annual oil-bearing plant of the Cruciferous family, has the ability to release sparingly soluble phosphates. It can grow in any soil with a pH ranging from very acidic to alkaline. Seeds germinate at +3°C. Seed..
Whitewash for garden trees
Lime for whitewashing trees (suspension for whitewashing trees). Designed to protect against sunburn, partly from pests and diseases, as well as to prevent the appearance of mosses and lichens. Stir the powder in about 1,5 liters of water until a h..
Wild tobacco "Derevensky Tabak" (Mapacho)
Indian tobacco - Nicotiana rustica. A healer for garden plants! Wild tobacco is grown to make makhorka (smoking) grits, chewing and snuff tobacco, and to protect plants from pests.  Wild tobacco leaves contain significantly more nicotine..
Zinc fertilizer "Eagle" (to protect plants from birds)
"Eagle" - zinc fertilizer with organic additives and protect plants from birds. Purpose: EAGLE is a fertilizer enriched with the essential element zinc. Zinc promotes the synthesis of phytohormones and proteins, which promotes the gr..
Сarbamide 46,5% - fertilizer with amide nitrogen. 1 kg = 100 m2. It is the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer of all. Available in granular form. Granular urea has excellent physical characteristics: it does not cake and retains good disper..
Сomplex fertilizer for various types of conifers with prolonged action
Mineral fertilizer for various types of conifers with prolonged action: 3-4 months. Spruce, thuja, fir, pine, larch, juniper, yew, cypress, hemlock, microbiota, etc. Can also be used to provide nutrients to boxwood, holly and other evergreens. The..
Сomplex fertilizer for various types of conifers with prolonged action
Mineral fertilizer for various types of conifers with prolonged action: 3-4 months. Spruce, thuja, fir, pine, larch, juniper, yew, cypress, hemlock, microbiota, etc. Can also be used to provide nutrients to boxwood, holly and other evergreens. The..
Сomplex mineral fertilizer 17-6-11
Сomplex mineral fertilizer 17-6-11 NPK. N - 17 P2O5 - 6 K2O - 11. Application rates for vegetable crops: Cabbage and Beetroot 60-70 g/m2 Carrots and Onions 30-40 g/m2 Tomato and Cucumber 50-60 g/m2 Beans, beans and peas 20-30 g/m2..
Сomplex mineral fertilizer for Flowers
Сomplex mineral fertilizer 5-10-15 NPK for flowers. Application rate: 50 g / m2 (1 kg = 20 m2). (8-10 g = 1 "flat" teaspoon, 35 g = "flat" matchbox). Fertilizers can be simple, consisting of only one element (for example: ..
Сomplex mineral liquid fertilizer "Vito"
"Vito" - complex mineral fertilizer NPK: N - 3,5 P2O5 - 2,3 K2O - 5. "Вито" - комплексное минеральное удобрение NPK в жидкой форме. N-P-K (3,5-2,3-5) + микроэлементы (Fe, Mn, Zn). ..
Blueberries and ericaceae plants complex fertilizer NPK (8-11-23)
Balanced mineral fertilizer with microelements for berry crops of the Vaccinium family (cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries) and plants from the Ericaceae family (erica, heather), as well as other acid-loving plants: rhododendrons, a..
Complex NPK fertilizer "Kristalon"
NPK сomplex fertilizer "Kristalon". Удобрение без хлора. Полное удобрение с водорастворимыми элементами. Kristalon Blue Label является подходящим гербицидом для овощных, ягодных и цветочных культур как на почвенных, так и на торфяных уч..
Conifers and evergreen plants NPK complex fertilizer  (11-11-21)
Granular, chlorine-free, complex mineral fertilizer with microelements for feeding coniferous plants. Does not contain chlorine. NPK fertilizer with magnesium, sulfur and trace elements (boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc) NPK (Mg, S) ..
Prof Pack
Field bean "Favino" (green manure)
Small-seeded horse beans ''Favino" - Vicia faba L. var. minor. Green fertilizer, green manure. 100 g = 5 m2. Sowing in open ground is carried out at the end of April - mid-May and at the end of August - beginning of September at ..
Humate +7 microelements"
"Humate +7" - contains 60-65% of humates and 7 essential microelements (Fe-0.4.%, Cu-0.2,%, Zn-0.2%, Mn-0.17,%, Mo- 0.018%, Co-0.02%, B-0.2%, N-1.5%) in the form of complex compounds with humic acids. Let's dissolve well. Sodium huma..
Showing 251 to 265 of 265 (11 Pages)